Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ulasan previous post entitled "Remaja maut ditembak ketika cuba rempuh polis"

...geleng2 kepale...
ape nk jadi la skrg ni..
polis yg tugas utama ny menjaga ketenteraman awam, la ni mnjd public enemy #1 in this country..
kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga..
& as a human nature, everything that happen, 1st thing first is, who's to blame??.. who??..
here are some option to pick from; 1st, polis yg terbabit, 2nd, arwah remaja, 3rd, parents (ibu)/family of that sorry boy, 4th, the government?.. and if i were to ask anyone to name anyone, this list will go on and wont stop..

biase lah, to point fingers to anyone, you need points to put on that particular person to aim your fingers, in this case, that policeman is surely a good shooter..
after he shot that 15yrs old who, 1st, was driving a car, 2nd, stayed out late at night (2am in the morning when it happens), 3rd, went through the road block w/o stopping, he went futher to claim that the kid was a penjenayah...?? 15yrs old unproven criminal supposedly to get shot to death..?? the police even claim that they found a 'parang' in the boot..

hurm..lets we start over, a policeman, shot a kid who supposed to take PMR, driving a car at 2 a.m in the morning and ran through a police road block, plus almost reverse and hit the police..

to me, the first thing that come up into my mind is that, what on earth that this boy did at 2a.m?? isn't he supposed to be at home sleeping?.. 2a.m.. there was no football broadcast, klu ye la dia nk pg tgk bola kt maplay time2 cmtu..

2nd thing is that, why on earth did the police shot that offender..?? isn't there any other way to deal with such situation..?? why not just give a warning shot in the air, or just shoot the tyre, if it's ever necessary, or just run from where he was standing to not to get hit, and after that just chase the boy out of the car.. i wonder if the police is playing chicken with the car..

i dislike police for thing that ever happen (got summon & all that) but at the same time i respect the profession.. it's a very noble job..

when someone blame something on u, u surely will defend urself; & i would give my verdict to defence both side..

on the boy side, the fact that he went out late at night because it's a free country, democratic country, we, the citizen could go anywhere at anytime, (only the fact that he was just 15 would make him illegal for some place, but not the road, i guess), plus, there's no 'darurat' issued for whatever reason.. then, there's law which said, you're not guilty until you're proven so.. all that the things the police said were mere personal intuition, and thought, even if the boy did has the parang, he couldn't be yet justified as a criminal.. even then, how would the police ever know that there's a parang because it was kept under the boot.. ala, lgpon, xkn la nmpk bdk kecik bwk kete mlm2, mke jambu abes (mangsa) pon nk tembak..?? i suppose, that particular police never had any problem with teenagers as we all do, his family & relatives are all decent and diciplined.. point yg berikut ny, bole jd, that boy langgar road block tu sbb dia takde lesen, ala, spe, org yg takde duet, takde pendapatan, yg tak cuak ble jmp polis klu takde lesen or road tax..?? anak org kaya ye lah.. tp ni, dh la ayah dia dh meninggal since dia umur 9 (if i'm not mistaken).. sad :( .. further more, simply, should he be shot at the first place..?? if it was for other people, shall he/she be shot too..?? if the answer is yes, then, our country, especially us as it citizen is in great danger..

on the police side plak; 1stly, klu dh awal
2 pg, langgar road block, kt area lembah klang plak tu, the assumption is that, it surely is a criminal.. who would've thought a 15yrs old would wandering around at that wee hours driving a car.. and has the gut to try to run over a police.. then, the police could also said, there's no other mean to stop that car because it was to near to him unless he shoot the driver.. the police also could'nt exactly predict an offender age, there are criminals with muka jambu whom age are older than the face could tell.. lgpon, situasi kt tmpt kjadian ni kita tak boleh nk predict especially polis2 yg tak byk pngalaman.. as i said before, kt area lembah klang ni mcm2 hal boleh jd, polis ni dh byk sgt t'dedah dgn jenayah2 yg semakin b'leluasa, di tmbh lg dgn kbnjiran penduduk2 asing, yg halal tu boleh thn lg, yg illegal & msuk takde permit ni satu hal.. bkn senang polis nk lyn kerenah, nk banteras jenayah kt area klang.. maybe, n i said, just maybe, to them it's a survival thing, to survive, u need to act.. it's not easy to shoot people and to hurt and further take someone's live (atuk slalu crita time dia sehat dlu how hard he felt to kill a komunis)..

for whatever reason that this thing could happen, it happened and we cant turn back time, can we??.. that sorry boy is dead, investigation is in proceeding (that's why i didnt make any conclusion), may the judgement is to be a fair and wise one.. take lesson from the incident; 1st, always be ready so u wont hustle ur action; 2nd, be a good kid, be where u supposed to be, when u supposed to be, dont rush ur growth; 3rd, please just dont kill anyone for anything, anywhere in Malaysia.. hope for peace and harmony..

Remaja maut ditembak ketika cuba rempuh polis

SHAH ALAM 26 April - Seorang remaja lelaki, Aminulrashid Amzah (gambar di dalam gambar) berusia 15 tahun yang disyaki penjenayah mati ditembak setelah cuba merempuh anggota polis peronda ketika mahu memberkasnya di kawasan perumahan Jalan 11/2G, Seksyen 11, di sini awal pagi ini.

Dalam kejadian kira-kira pukul 2 pagi, remaja terbabit yang memandu kereta Proton Iswara, mati akibat terkena tembakan sementara rakannya berjaya melarikan diri.

Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar berkata, sebelum kejadian, dua anggota polis peronda terserempak dengan kedua-dua suspek dalam keadaan mencurigakan.

Beliau berkata, kedua- duanya kemudian diarahkan anggota polis supaya memberhentikan kereta namun mereka enggan, sebaliknya memecut laju.

Katanya, ekoran itu, dua anggota polis terbabit bertindak mengejar mereka dengan bantuan sebuah lagi kereta peronda yang dinaiki dua anggota.

"Sejurus tiba di tempat kejadian, anggota polis itu telah melepaskan tembakan ke arah tayar kereta remaja tersebut bagi memaksa mereka berhenti. Kereta itu kemudian terbabas ke bahu jalan.

"Selepas terbabas, rakan remaja itu membuka pintu kereta lalu melarikan diri dan dikejar dua anggota polis peronda," katanya ketika dihubungi di sini hari ini.

Khalid berkata, dua lagi anggota polis peronda kemudian memeriksa keadaan remaja itu tetapi terkejut apabila suspek tiba- tiba mengundurkan kereta dan cuba merempuh anggota polis berkenaan.

"Terkejut dengan tindakan suspek untuk mempertahankan diri, anggota polis berkenaan melepaskan tembakan ke arah suspek di dalam kereta," katanya.

Ujar Khalid, suspek mati di tempat kejadian akibat cedera parah dan mayatnya dihantar ke Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (HTAR) di Klang dekat sini, untuk bedah siasat sementara usaha menjejaki rakannya masih dijalankan.

Tambah beliau, pihaknya yang memeriksa kereta suspek telah menemui sebilah parang panjang.

Sementara itu Khalid berkata, empat anggota polis peronda yang terlibat dalam kejadian menembak mati remaja berkenaan telah diarah melakukan kerja-kerja pejabat.

Katanya, keempat-empat anggota polis peronda dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Shah Alam itu akan melakukan kerja-kerja pejabat sehingga siasatan kes yang dijalankan mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan selesai.

Beliau berkata, siasatan akan dijalankan dengan adil dan akan dikendalikan polis dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Selangor.

"Sementara siasatan sedang dilakukan, kita minta tiada sebarang spekulasi dibuat berhubung kejadian," katanya.

Menurut Khalid, polis akan sentiasa menjalankan tugas dengan penuh amanah dan dedikasi dalam menjaga keamanan negeri dan komited dalam tugas memerangi jenayah demi keselamatan dan keselesaan rakyat.

taken from http://www.utusan.com.my/

searching for signifikasi hari of creation..

it has been 30 minute since i reached 21 years of age (at the time i started writing this new entry). what significance it brings, to celebrate someone birthday each year?. as my family always does, for every members of my family, we would do some doa selamat, pray for everything good, then we would eat cake, and then have some chats before we go do our own work.. all was done together, usually. for those who were not there, we called and celebrate through phones, webcam, and etc.

ape significance celebrate b'day??..
1) dpt kumpul same2 satu family,
2) mkn kek, mcm ni..
sedap kn
3) mengingat kn diri kita yg kita ni makin tua,
4) mengingat kita yg makin tua, kne la mkin matang,
5) guna mase sehari drp 365+/- hari muhasabah dri utk setahun yg lps,
6) utk kita merapat kn diri dgn kwn
2 & org2 yg wish b'day kt kita,
7) merasa la jgk nk dpt hadiah, though setiap tahun kita dp
t agk spe yg nk bg,
8) dpt rasa pekena kn b'day boy (celebrate kaw2 dgn eggs, tepung, & etc),
9) dri (8), secara x lgsg kita dpt peluang bls dendam, or buli b'day boy tu, or b'day boy tu dpt mnyucikn diri dri dosa2 silam (at least setahun), klu a
de buli org laen ke,
10) significance.. hurmm.. dan laen2
11) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMsen-nsHq0&playnext_from=TL&videos=qpPgHcECn6M&feature=rec-LGOUT-real_rev-rn-1r-24-HM

xde signifiken kn pic ni
(my bro's wedding, yg ujung tu mke gedik btol) dgn topik..

p/s: doa kn atuk saya, sakit.. dia ni dlu lawan komunis.. sgt pragmatik & berani..

tkut x tgk muka dia??..

Thursday, April 22, 2010

down and out...

i want to get out from this hell as fast as i can.. please let me out of here, can stand it here.. i want to go back home with my deg..

Saturday, April 17, 2010

bolehkah saya grad after dis semester??

(figure 1)
hurmmmm... hurmmm... hurmmm...

extension ke extinction..?? both words ni mmg pling x disukai utk didengari..
ble tyme2 cmni org ckp the former word, or nk sebut the latter tp terbunyi yg 1st tu, riak mukeku & maybe rkn2 yg senasib ku pasti akn berubh spt mke kucing tu (refer figure 1).. & di kala itu, terase di dlm ati seperti ingin membaling kasut dr. cardin ku (refer figure 2) supaya hinggap ke muke si penyata
(figure 2)..

tetapi, ianya sekadar di hati, lgpun, yg slalu luah kn perkara yg sgt annoying ni ialah lecturers & supervisor ku.. xkn tergamak nk buat cmtu, lgpun semua yg dinyatakan tidaklah slh, cume tidak berperi kemanusiaan.. yela, dh la tgh duk pening pale, pattern distribution pon xtau ape dia.. nk sruh duk jejauh dri family ni lg lame.. dhla rndu gler kt kimi brothers (refer figure 3).. (figure 3)..

x tdo mlm dh jd habit, tp tdo mlm & mngerah keringat.. huh~ bala..
so, hope to any readers out there, wish me & my buddy, all the best luck..


Friday, April 16, 2010

GooD Luck Miss Bunn

..and here we are at the end of a semester..
and as for me myself, I hope it would be my final semester as well before I could feel the feeling of throwing that weird hat with tail up in
the air (figure 1)..
is it
a necessity to complete our graduation??.. but seems absurdly relieving perhaps..

however, before all that is to be happening, kena abeh kn semester ni dlu lah kn, hopefully with decent grade, like never before
my final hurdle.. CORAL DISEASE
(figure 2)..

sometimes rase mcm penyakit disease ni dh transmitted msuk ke dalam badan, simptom2 dia mcm buoying2 (pening) je kepala, kulit jd gelap2, mcm brain c
oral yg kne black band (refer figure 2)..

during this time, I really need the luck, the pray, and anything possible (namely understanding & motivation), and I think, nun jauh di sana, my miss bunn also need the luck (though she prefer to have me than luck), but I WISH YOU ALL OF LUCK available in this world we live in..

p/s: not to forget, every one of the students having their fyp & fina
l exam..

Oh CoraL...

Oh! Coral, I am but a fool,
Thesis I love you, tho' you treat me cruel,
You hurt me and you made me whine
But if i leave you I surely get behind.

Coral hope there wont be another
Cause I want to grad,
don't ever leave me,
Say you'll finish fast
I will always want you for my thesis's title
No matter what people said
Oh! Coral, I'm so in dire with you.

Oh, Coral...

Coral Reef Conditions

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